Oxygen tanks are often prescribed to patients needing supplemental oxygen. However, is an oxygen tank the best option? Do you have options? Ian discusses what you need to know and consider BEFORE making that purchase. What he shares with you will determine the quality of life you live. Don’t ration your life away. Live it to the fullest and know that Wise Owl Medical Supply will work with you, your doctor, and your insurance company to make sure you get exactly what you need without sacrificing your quality of life in the process.
Let me tell you about my old uncle.
He came up with COPD, and with each passing year—sometimes, each passing day—his lungs got a little weaker, and a little weaker.
My uncle was placed on oxygen therapy, and he started lugging around the heavy tanks of oxygen the hospital gave him. He dragged a little cart and its tank around with him everywhere he went. Everything he did was more difficult.
It was a ball and chain.
Instead of walking normally, my uncle had to hobble along to supply stores to get the few tanks he’d been issued refilled. My uncle continually missed out on going to a barbecue or a fish-fry. He’d have to stay inside, stuck away from where the action was. Instead of doing things on his own, he felt like a burden because he often needed assistance with some destinations.
More and more, instead of going out and doing, my uncle sat, stared, and stayed. He slowly rationed his life away, spending less time doing all the things he loved with the people he loved. And eventually, he never got up again.
Oxygen Tanks vs. POCs
Now, let me tell you about somebody else: Don.
He came up with COPD, and with each passing year—sometimes, each passing day—his lungs got a little weaker, and a little weaker.
Don was placed on oxygen therapy, and he purchased a portable oxygen concentrator (POC). Instead of dragging around heavy tanks, he slings it over his shoulder and heads right on out. Instead of giving up what he wants to do, he goes, and he does, and his smile and his firm handshake are back out in the community.
He still greets the people he knows, and they wave back as he passes by.
More and more, Don’s out and about in the community, enjoying all of what the Hill Country has to offer.
Both men had lived hard and fast in their youths. Each had made their marks on their communities. Both men ended up with breathing problems, and both of them ended up on oxygen therapy.
The real difference was that one opted to go the old way and rely on heavy tanks that could only be replaced when his provider could be bothered to remember to do it, and the other went with a portable oxygen concentrator—letting him set his own schedule. He didn’t have to ration his life away until there wasn’t anything left.
If you want to follow my uncle and be hooked up to heavy tanks, stuck at home while the world goes by, that’s your choice.
But if you’d rather do like Don, if you’d rather go out and take advantage of what life has to offer, Wise Owl can help you do that.
Rationing Your Quality of Life
Think about where you want to go–and GO! Don’t ration your life away by fooling around with bulky oxygen equipment. Make the wiser choice by filling out your information below, and we’ll work to get your insurance to pay for a portable oxygen concentrator for you. If we can’t bill your insurance, don’t worry. You’ll automatically qualify for the lowest rate you’ll find anywhere–about $2.29 a day!
If you want a better life, you’ve got to do something different. Something wiser.
Let us show you how We Help Harder at Wise Owl. Your independence will thank you!